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Friday, September 24, 2010

Rush !

Rush !
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                           Can Text :
Estimule sus sentidos ! The Rush can has a great dark blue top faded  to light blue bottom. I think it lokks sort of like an ocean , almost relaxing.

Active Ingredients (per can , not per serving) :-
    Over 2000mg of their energy blend with just as much taurine make up the energy in Rush !

Monday, September 20, 2010

Jones Energy

Jones Energy
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        The can looks mildly energizing , but more hot or cinnamon like. The can is orangish copper with a black flame pattern on the bottom. The world Energy is in black text but with white around it. It really leads me to believe that it will taste a lot like a new penny.

Active Ingredients (per can , not per serving ) ;-
    Taurine , inositol , caffeine , niacin and lots of B6 and B12. You  are also cautioned to "consume resposibly" with a two can per day limit.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Red Bull

Red Bull
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      The can is Blue and Silver in alternating colored squares with two fighting Red Bulls in the center. I wonder why they didn't call it Red Bulls since there are two on the logo.

Active Ingredients (per can , not per serving)

       "Vitalizes body and mind" with taurine. The other ingredients are pretty basic. Red Bull claims to improve performance , concentration , reaction time and stimulate the metabolism. It sounds like a lot , but pretty much anything with caffeine in it will do the same , it's just common sense.

Red Bull Sugar Free

Red Bull Sugar Free
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      Lightly Carbonated. Serve chilled. Red Bull claims that it "Vitalizes body and mind". The back of the can states , "Improves performance , especially during times of increased stress or strain. Increases concentration and improves reaction speed. Stimulates the metabolism". The can looks pretty much like the "classic" Red Bull , with a lighter blue , to let people know that you're afraid of sugar. It contains phenylalanine , so the small percentage of people with a certain condition who are sensitive to this chemical , should avoid Red Bull Sugar Free.

Active Ingredients (per can , not per serving) ;-

      "With Taurine" , appears to be the biggest selling point , as it's on the front of the can , but also contains caffeine.

Monster Energy XXL

Monster Energy XXL
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        The monster XXL can is awe inspiring. When you see it you almost have to take a second to realized that no one is there to cue the angelic harp music. At nearly 24oz you'll never look at those 80z energy drinks the same way. It raises the bar in the energy drink industry. The can is all black with the Monster logo in bright , electric green. The simplicity of the can design is great. The XXL font reminds me of the super bowl.
      As with the Bookoo drinks , riding in a car is awkward , if your cup holder is big enough to hold the bottom , it is so top-heavy when it's full , it wants to turn over. Or in compact cars , often the cup holders are mounted under the radio/air condition controls and the can is too tall to fit under.

Active Ingredients (per can , not per serving) ;-

      Per serving it contains the same as the 16oz Monster but just for the fun , this can contains 3000mg taurine , 600mg ginseng , 750mg energy blend - caffeine , guarana , l-carnitine and inositol.

Monster Energy Lo-Carb

Monster Energy Lo-Carb
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       The can is all Black with the "M" logo on the front in blue instead of Green.

Active Ingredients (per can , not per serving)

       Energy blend 5000mg , Taurine 2000mg and tons of "B" vitamins.


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    The can is very energetic. It makes me want to scream. It is mostly blue with a large mouthed , tattooed surfer with green hair and no neck. The crazy font adds to the energizing , lightning feel. The slogan takes a cheap shot at Red Bull stating "All of the Energy , non of  the Bull." That's hot.

Active Ingredients (per can , not per serving)

    Jugular proudly states that it is powered by ADX7 which is "A powerful blend of adaptagenic herbs , vitamins and aminos". Not to mention 5000% of your daily value of vitamin B12! WOW

Monday, September 13, 2010

Rumba Energy Juice

Rumba Energy Juice
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        First of all , the can looks great. Very delicious looking. This drink is NON CARBONATE. That's an important thing to know before you drink it or you may be disappointed. Contains 100% juice.

Active Ingredients (per can , not per serving) ;-
      Rumba has tons of vitamins and energy adding ingredients including 2000mg of Taurine , 200mg of Panax Ginseng and 5000mg of their special energy blend which has Glucose , Caffeine and Guarana. This energy supplement comes from a blend of 7 juice and fruit puree.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Red Celeste - Sugar free

Red Celeste - Sugar free
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            The can looks almost exactly like the non-sugar free Red Celeste , pinkish Red color is now even lighter pink on the tops and bottom of the can. The extra text makes it look much more enticing.

  Extreme Energy Lite
       No  sugar zero carbs no Calories
       "Lightly Carbonated", may not be completely accurate , since you could pour it into your hand and using it as shaving form.

Active Ingredients (per can , not per serving) ;-
        The ingredients are pretty much the same. Caffeine , lots of B6 , but no high fructose corn syrup.

Red Celeste

Red Celeste
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            Red Celeste extreme energy ... The can itself is really more of a pinkish magenta color than Red. It has some light blue lines in the background that look a lot like the spot lights you might see around a Hollywood event. Extreme Energy ?? That's so last year. Extreme isn't even spelled with the capital " X " for xtreme. What's with that ? Otherwise , this drink contains no real fruit juice , so if you want pure fruity caffeine , better have a Ruba or Omaga.

Active Ingredients (Per can) ;-
       The can doesn't mention anything that sets it apart from other sodas.

   Similar Ingredients ;- 
       Caffeine , two and a half times your daily value of B6 and the all important High Fructose Corn Syrup. Love that Corn Syrup.

Nature's Nitro2Go

Nature's Nitro2Go
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         Want to rev your engines ? "High Energy Drink" is stated twice on the can , in a Halloween-like front , because Halloween is high energy. Otherwise , it's "Low Sugar!" & "Low Carbohydrate!" , but has "Great Taste". All this is in red , so it's really important. It's "Lite! only 20Calories" too. The Highland, Ca company also states that it's "High octane Energy Formula Body Fuel". They warn "Consumer Responsibility : up to 4 cans per day". It's said to "Work Great and Taste Great".

Active Ingredients (per can) :-

     It has some Caffeine , but doesn't list anything else specifically. It does contain some Vitamins , including 25% of our daily B6.

Full Throttle Energy Drinks

Full Throttle Energy Drinks
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      a product of the Coca-Cola company. "Low Sodium". Mostly , the can is black , with logo that looks somewhat like a "Monster Garage" logo. The colors scream "Energy".

Active Ingredients ;-

   * Per serving contains Taurine (605mg)
   * Ginseng extract (90mg)
   * Caffeine 
   * Carnatine (15mg)
   * Guarana extract (0.7mg)