Monster Energy XXL
for more details ......
The monster XXL can is awe inspiring. When you see it you almost have to take a second to realized that no one is there to cue the angelic harp music. At nearly 24oz you'll never look at those 80z energy drinks the same way. It raises the bar in the energy drink industry. The can is all black with the Monster logo in bright , electric green. The simplicity of the can design is great. The XXL font reminds me of the super bowl.
As with the Bookoo drinks , riding in a car is awkward , if your cup holder is big enough to hold the bottom , it is so top-heavy when it's full , it wants to turn over. Or in compact cars , often the cup holders are mounted under the radio/air condition controls and the can is too tall to fit under.
Active Ingredients (per can , not per serving) ;-
Per serving it contains the same as the 16oz Monster but just for the fun , this can contains
3000mg taurine ,
600mg ginseng ,
750mg energy blend - caffeine ,
guarana ,
l-carnitine and