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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Molotov Explosive Energy ! Mango Con Tapatio

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  Can Text :
       The Molotov Energy can has a real "Rage Against the Machine" feel to it. I guess Molotov cocktails have a real "Rage Against the Machine" feel to them , and angry hand holding one is front and center on the can. The colors are banded vibrant oranges and reds , what you may expect to see on an ortega or old El Paso product. May be it's the star but the Molotov logo actually has a bit of a communist feel to it. "Molotov Explosive Energy !" is in white , outlined in a bright redish-orange. Underneath the rebelling hand , "Mango" is also in white/redish-orange , "con" is in a cursive font and the "Tapatio Salse Picante" looks just like the Tapatio logo , minus Steve Buscemi. At the very bottom , "Y limon" looks like the "con". The only real noteworthy text on the back is that "Portion of the proceeds benefit the hispanic scholarship fund". I think it's worth noting that the "front" of the can is actually repeated twice to cover two-thirds of the can , increasing the likelihood of ideal presentation to the consumer.

Active Ingredients :
      Molotov Explosive Energy ! Mango Con Topatio 2 (8fl.oz.) servings which each contain mg/% USRDA (whichever is available or both if listed) : Calories 120 , Carbohydrates 30g/10% , Sugar 27g , Riboflavin 1.7mg/100% , Niacin 20mg/100% , Vitamin B6 2mg/100% , Vitamin B12 6mcg/100% ,  Sodium 190mg/8% , Taurine 1g , Panax Ginseng 200mg. Molotov Explosive Energy ! also contains a 2500mg "proprietary energy blend" which undisclosed amounts of the following : L-Carnitine , Glucose , Caffine , Guarana , Inositol , Glucuronolactone , Maltodextrin.

Raw Energy Fuel Cell

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   Can Text :
        This energy drink comes in a tall bottle , not a can. The bottle is grey with a red lable. Raw Energy is the "Vitamin Enhanced Energy Drink". You can also reuse the bottle if you wanted to smuggle small uncomfortably shaped it items into prison.

Active Ingredients (per can , not serving) :
       Vitamins B12 , C , caffeine and guarana.