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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Zombie Blood Energy Potion

Click here for more details ......

Can Text :
      Zombie blood is very similarly packaged to blood Energy potion , with the notable exception that the contents of Zombie Blood are green and not red. It's worth noting that the fingerprint on the outside of the Zombie blood is also red ,

Indicating :
1). Harcos over looked this packaging detail.
2). Decided it wasn't cost effective.
3). The person packaging the zombie blood was bleeding.

    The front has the biohazard logo on the front , with the text , "level 5 - Delicious Taste - Delicioso - Deliceux", followed by this numbered list :

  1). Similar nutrients to real blood.
  2). Lifeless lime flavor.
  3). Up to 4 hours of energy.
  4). Disturbing source of elecrolytes.
  5). Protein + Iron.
  6). Zombie mutagen free.
  7). not an actual biohazard.

      Below the ordered list is the Harcos Laboratories logo. At the bottom of the package are 3 options , "Frozen" ,  "Refrigerate" and "Room Temp" , with "Room Temp" checked. To the right of the those checkboxes  it reads "for drinking " and "3.4 fl. zo. 100ml".
      Then we move to the back of the package , "preparation Instructions" has two options "chilled" , which they describe as :

1). pour zombie Blood Energy potion into a tumbler over 2-3 cubes of ice.
2). Enjoy.

The second alternative is "From the pouch" :

1). Twist off cap while holding upright.
2). Tip pouch into mouth.
3). Taste the sweet nectar of the undead.

      Finally , there's a paragraph talking about Zombie Blood , "Zombie Blood Energy Potion contains similar nutritional content to real blood. If Zombie Blood Energy Potion should reaniomate any undesirable creatures , leave room immediately and call the Zombie protection Agency (ZPA), Reanimated creatures can only be stopped by shotgun blasts , fire and decapitation".
    Zombie blood is not recommended foe mortals under age of 12. 

Active Ingredients :
    Phenylketonuerics : Zombie Blood contains phenylalanine. Zombie blood contains milk and soy ingredients.

The following information is mg/%URSDA per serving (1 serving per pouch) :
    Calories 45 , Sodium 55mg/2% , potassium 15mg/about 1% , Carbohydrates 7g/2% , Sugar 7g , Protein 4g/8% , Iron 10mg/55%.

Zombie Blood Energy potion also contains a proprietary 880mg energy blend that contains unspecified amounts of the following :
    D - glucuronolactone , L - phenylalanine , N - Acetyle-L-tyrosine , glucose , caffeine , DL - phenylalanine.