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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Sobe No Fear

Sobe No Fear
      For more details ......

     "Super Energy Supplement" , with flames and lizards to back it up. Silver Red and Black , these guys did their "energetic" colors homework. In case you thought this was snake oil , Sobe clarifies that " This product is not intended to diagnose , treat , cure or prevent any disease". You are also encouraged to recycle the lizard.

Active Ingredients (per can , not per serving) ;
      Taurine 2000mg , Creatine 50mg , Arginine 20mg , Carnitine 50mg , Grape seed extract 50mg , Guarana 50mg , Panax Ginseng 100mg , Inositol 200mg and Caffeine.

1 comment:

  1. Wow..amazing review towards the Super Energy Supplement.I had never try out before after seen some positive response cant wait to try out..

    liquid energy supplement
