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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Gur Lemonade Full on Energy drink

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 Can Text :
     The can is snazzy blue and chartreuse affair. Admittedly , at first glance , continuing up to the 4th  glance , I thought this was lemon-flavored sweet tea. I couldn't have been more wrong , as there is 0% tea in this beverage. The top clearly states "lemonade" , but I sometimes don't read , because I think I'm too good for the English language. The white areas have a sort of less than/greater than feel to them , then test says , "Guru 100% Natural - organic Energy drink". Also in white , at the bottom , "Energy supplement 12 fl oz (355ml)". In the chartreuse text "Full on". On the back , the "USDA organic logo , under that more white text as follows :
  "shake well drink ice cold please recycle".

Distributed by :
    Guru Beverage Co.
                              294 , Greenwish St.
                              # 163 , NY

                                                               MADE IN USA

 Active Ingredients :
      This can contains 1.5 servings , so keep that in mind when you're not reading the following nutritional information mg/%  USRDA per serving (water is listed on  the can ) : carbohydrates 29g/9% , sodium 100mg/4% , potassium 37mg/1% , protein 1g/2% , caffeine 97mg. Also , there's a proprietary blend of 1285mg of undisclosed individual amounts of the following : guarana seed extract , Enchinacea flower extract , Panax ginseng root extract , Ginkgo bilboa leaf extract.

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