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Can Text :
If you go into any Health or Fitness store to buy vitamins or supplements you might've seen Xyience all over the store. That's because Xyience offers somany products for their consumers. Included flavored creatine , nitric oxide boosters , chitosan supplements as well as many other dietary supplements that i have no idea what they do. But if you are looking for a fat burner , a weight gainer or weight loser or joint soother or even an 'xtreme muscle meal' Xyience has something specifically formulated for you. So when I pick up an Energy drink from them I certainly expect nothing but the best.
The can is very appealing with its Asian letters on the front and very zen like colors. It is a premium sugar free zero calorie energy drink , meant for focus , vitality and endurance.
Active Ingredients :
So what does it actually do ? Xyience tells us that each drink is formulated with caffiene , l-taurine , ginseng , l-carnitine and other energy focus ,vitality and endurance supporters. Caffeine is a power and energy accelerant ! It's perfect to super energize your body for powerful workouts. Taurine has several critical functions and can act similarly to creatine in that it expands your cells by helping the muscle cell itself hold more water , increasing cell volume. it has been shown to elevate mood , increase energy and give a positive sense of well being. L-carnitine performs many important functions , such as helping metabolize food into energy.
PLEEZE "HELP ME" For Christ sake