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Can text :
Steve Young's energy drink offering comes in Red can , around the rim it reads , "An invigorating mix of elite herbs and vitamins". Front and center is a big black and white 1-bit low resolution image of Steve Young with his helmet half off. The text on the front reads , "Young Energy drink" in some sort of Andy warhol configuration. Under the Steve Young photo , "No Caffeine , Reduces Stress , Natural Energy", followed by Steve Young's autograph. On the back , "Powered by ADX7" (the same stuff that made the 2005 energy drink debacles Jugular and YET (Your Energy Tonic) taste like granite powder , ginger and flower pedals. Then a paragraph , "Young energy with ADX7 is a great tasting drink that provides healthy energy. It reduces your stress , so your energy levels go way up. It's pure natural energy without the sugar and caffeine crash - Steve Young Super Bowl MVP".
Active Ingredients :
This contain the following mg/% USRDA per serving (2 servings per can) :
Most notably 0 Caffeine , no Caffeine , Caffeine free. Carbohydrates 11g/4% , Sugars 11g , Protein 1g/2% , Vitamin C 100% , Vitamin B3 100% , Vitamin B5 100% , Vitamin B6 100% , Vitamin B12 9500% (yes , that's 95 times your USRDA per serving , so this can has half a year's worth of Vitamin B12... too bad you just pee out 189 days worth of it 4 hours later). Also , like a broken record , they carry on about ADX7 , "ADX7 - a powerful blend of adaptagenic herbs , vitamins , minerals and amino acids with clustered water technology. No Caffeine or harmful stimulants."
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