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Can Text :
Zombie blood is very similarly packaged to blood Energy potion , with the notable exception that the contents of Zombie Blood are green and not red. It's worth noting that the fingerprint on the outside of the Zombie blood is also red ,
Indicating :
1). Harcos over looked this packaging detail.
2). Decided it wasn't cost effective.
3). The person packaging the zombie blood was bleeding.
The front has the biohazard logo on the front , with the text , "level 5 - Delicious Taste - Delicioso - Deliceux", followed by this numbered list :
1). Similar nutrients to real blood.
2). Lifeless lime flavor.
3). Up to 4 hours of energy.
4). Disturbing source of elecrolytes.
5). Protein + Iron.
6). Zombie mutagen free.
7). not an actual biohazard.
Below the ordered list is the Harcos Laboratories logo. At the bottom of the package are 3 options , "Frozen" , "Refrigerate" and "Room Temp" , with "Room Temp" checked. To the right of the those checkboxes it reads "for drinking " and "3.4 fl. zo. 100ml".
Then we move to the back of the package , "preparation Instructions" has two options "chilled" , which they describe as :
1). pour zombie Blood Energy potion into a tumbler over 2-3 cubes of ice.
2). Enjoy.
The second alternative is "From the pouch" :
1). Twist off cap while holding upright.
2). Tip pouch into mouth.
3). Taste the sweet nectar of the undead.
Finally , there's a paragraph talking about Zombie Blood , "Zombie Blood Energy Potion contains similar nutritional content to real blood. If Zombie Blood Energy Potion should reaniomate any undesirable creatures , leave room immediately and call the Zombie protection Agency (ZPA), Reanimated creatures can only be stopped by shotgun blasts , fire and decapitation".
Zombie blood is not recommended foe mortals under age of 12.
Active Ingredients :
Phenylketonuerics : Zombie Blood contains phenylalanine. Zombie blood contains milk and soy ingredients.
The following information is mg/%URSDA per serving (1 serving per pouch) :
Calories 45 , Sodium 55mg/2% , potassium 15mg/about 1% , Carbohydrates 7g/2% , Sugar 7g , Protein 4g/8% , Iron 10mg/55%.
Zombie Blood Energy potion also contains a proprietary 880mg energy blend that contains unspecified amounts of the following :
D - glucuronolactone , L - phenylalanine , N - Acetyle-L-tyrosine , glucose , caffeine , DL - phenylalanine.
World famous Drinks & Energy Drinks
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Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Young Energy drink
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Can text :
Steve Young's energy drink offering comes in Red can , around the rim it reads , "An invigorating mix of elite herbs and vitamins". Front and center is a big black and white 1-bit low resolution image of Steve Young with his helmet half off. The text on the front reads , "Young Energy drink" in some sort of Andy warhol configuration. Under the Steve Young photo , "No Caffeine , Reduces Stress , Natural Energy", followed by Steve Young's autograph. On the back , "Powered by ADX7" (the same stuff that made the 2005 energy drink debacles Jugular and YET (Your Energy Tonic) taste like granite powder , ginger and flower pedals. Then a paragraph , "Young energy with ADX7 is a great tasting drink that provides healthy energy. It reduces your stress , so your energy levels go way up. It's pure natural energy without the sugar and caffeine crash - Steve Young Super Bowl MVP".
Active Ingredients :
This contain the following mg/% USRDA per serving (2 servings per can) :
Most notably 0 Caffeine , no Caffeine , Caffeine free. Carbohydrates 11g/4% , Sugars 11g , Protein 1g/2% , Vitamin C 100% , Vitamin B3 100% , Vitamin B5 100% , Vitamin B6 100% , Vitamin B12 9500% (yes , that's 95 times your USRDA per serving , so this can has half a year's worth of Vitamin B12... too bad you just pee out 189 days worth of it 4 hours later). Also , like a broken record , they carry on about ADX7 , "ADX7 - a powerful blend of adaptagenic herbs , vitamins , minerals and amino acids with clustered water technology. No Caffeine or harmful stimulants."
Can text :
Steve Young's energy drink offering comes in Red can , around the rim it reads , "An invigorating mix of elite herbs and vitamins". Front and center is a big black and white 1-bit low resolution image of Steve Young with his helmet half off. The text on the front reads , "Young Energy drink" in some sort of Andy warhol configuration. Under the Steve Young photo , "No Caffeine , Reduces Stress , Natural Energy", followed by Steve Young's autograph. On the back , "Powered by ADX7" (the same stuff that made the 2005 energy drink debacles Jugular and YET (Your Energy Tonic) taste like granite powder , ginger and flower pedals. Then a paragraph , "Young energy with ADX7 is a great tasting drink that provides healthy energy. It reduces your stress , so your energy levels go way up. It's pure natural energy without the sugar and caffeine crash - Steve Young Super Bowl MVP".
Active Ingredients :
This contain the following mg/% USRDA per serving (2 servings per can) :
Most notably 0 Caffeine , no Caffeine , Caffeine free. Carbohydrates 11g/4% , Sugars 11g , Protein 1g/2% , Vitamin C 100% , Vitamin B3 100% , Vitamin B5 100% , Vitamin B6 100% , Vitamin B12 9500% (yes , that's 95 times your USRDA per serving , so this can has half a year's worth of Vitamin B12... too bad you just pee out 189 days worth of it 4 hours later). Also , like a broken record , they carry on about ADX7 , "ADX7 - a powerful blend of adaptagenic herbs , vitamins , minerals and amino acids with clustered water technology. No Caffeine or harmful stimulants."
Thursday, October 6, 2011
YET Your Energy Tonic
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Can Text :
YET has "pure natural energy". They proudly state that their drink has no caffeine , no sugar and no carbs. No caffeiene ??? hmm... I'm not so sure about this. "Faster Farther Healthier Smarter".
Active Ingredients :
The energy comes from natural blend of aminos and B and C vitamins called ADX7 which is also the main energy ingredient found in jugular.
Can Text :
YET has "pure natural energy". They proudly state that their drink has no caffeine , no sugar and no carbs. No caffeiene ??? hmm... I'm not so sure about this. "Faster Farther Healthier Smarter".
Active Ingredients :
The energy comes from natural blend of aminos and B and C vitamins called ADX7 which is also the main energy ingredient found in jugular.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Xyience Xenergy Cran Razz
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Can Text :
If you go into any Health or Fitness store to buy vitamins or supplements you might've seen Xyience all over the store. That's because Xyience offers somany products for their consumers. Included flavored creatine , nitric oxide boosters , chitosan supplements as well as many other dietary supplements that i have no idea what they do. But if you are looking for a fat burner , a weight gainer or weight loser or joint soother or even an 'xtreme muscle meal' Xyience has something specifically formulated for you. So when I pick up an Energy drink from them I certainly expect nothing but the best.
The can is very appealing with its Asian letters on the front and very zen like colors. It is a premium sugar free zero calorie energy drink , meant for focus , vitality and endurance.
Active Ingredients :
So what does it actually do ? Xyience tells us that each drink is formulated with caffiene , l-taurine , ginseng , l-carnitine and other energy focus ,vitality and endurance supporters. Caffeine is a power and energy accelerant ! It's perfect to super energize your body for powerful workouts. Taurine has several critical functions and can act similarly to creatine in that it expands your cells by helping the muscle cell itself hold more water , increasing cell volume. it has been shown to elevate mood , increase energy and give a positive sense of well being. L-carnitine performs many important functions , such as helping metabolize food into energy.
Can Text :
If you go into any Health or Fitness store to buy vitamins or supplements you might've seen Xyience all over the store. That's because Xyience offers somany products for their consumers. Included flavored creatine , nitric oxide boosters , chitosan supplements as well as many other dietary supplements that i have no idea what they do. But if you are looking for a fat burner , a weight gainer or weight loser or joint soother or even an 'xtreme muscle meal' Xyience has something specifically formulated for you. So when I pick up an Energy drink from them I certainly expect nothing but the best.
The can is very appealing with its Asian letters on the front and very zen like colors. It is a premium sugar free zero calorie energy drink , meant for focus , vitality and endurance.
Active Ingredients :
So what does it actually do ? Xyience tells us that each drink is formulated with caffiene , l-taurine , ginseng , l-carnitine and other energy focus ,vitality and endurance supporters. Caffeine is a power and energy accelerant ! It's perfect to super energize your body for powerful workouts. Taurine has several critical functions and can act similarly to creatine in that it expands your cells by helping the muscle cell itself hold more water , increasing cell volume. it has been shown to elevate mood , increase energy and give a positive sense of well being. L-carnitine performs many important functions , such as helping metabolize food into energy.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Blue Streak Sugar Free
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Can text :
"An invigorating energy drink". Whoa! Lets not make any wild claims , perhaps you should tone that down to "A slightly uplifting tonic water".
The can is mostly white , with a little shiny thrown in for good measure. There's a bright blue and green tribal-like tattoo , which I'd most equate to a generic version of Bookoo's packaging.
I do appreciate that there's no motivational paragraph on the can that reads as though it should be on a poster with a mountain climber , across for all the marathon trophies in your sales manager's office.
Active Ingredients :
An unspecified amount of taurine and caffeine. As for vitamins , we have 100% B3 , 80% B12 , 50% B5. These figures are per serving , as there are 2 servings per can.
Can text :
"An invigorating energy drink". Whoa! Lets not make any wild claims , perhaps you should tone that down to "A slightly uplifting tonic water".
The can is mostly white , with a little shiny thrown in for good measure. There's a bright blue and green tribal-like tattoo , which I'd most equate to a generic version of Bookoo's packaging.
I do appreciate that there's no motivational paragraph on the can that reads as though it should be on a poster with a mountain climber , across for all the marathon trophies in your sales manager's office.
Active Ingredients :
An unspecified amount of taurine and caffeine. As for vitamins , we have 100% B3 , 80% B12 , 50% B5. These figures are per serving , as there are 2 servings per can.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Blue Streak
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Can Text :
Blue Streak can looks much more elaborate than actual streaks. I suppose random streaks on a can aren,t very marketable. The streaks an this can look more like wallpaper designs.
Active Ingredients :
Caffeine , taurine , B6 , B12 and niacin
Can Text :
Blue Streak can looks much more elaborate than actual streaks. I suppose random streaks on a can aren,t very marketable. The streaks an this can look more like wallpaper designs.
Active Ingredients :
Caffeine , taurine , B6 , B12 and niacin
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Molotov Explosive Energy ! Mango Con Tapatio
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Can Text :
The Molotov Energy can has a real "Rage Against the Machine" feel to it. I guess Molotov cocktails have a real "Rage Against the Machine" feel to them , and angry hand holding one is front and center on the can. The colors are banded vibrant oranges and reds , what you may expect to see on an ortega or old El Paso product. May be it's the star but the Molotov logo actually has a bit of a communist feel to it. "Molotov Explosive Energy !" is in white , outlined in a bright redish-orange. Underneath the rebelling hand , "Mango" is also in white/redish-orange , "con" is in a cursive font and the "Tapatio Salse Picante" looks just like the Tapatio logo , minus Steve Buscemi. At the very bottom , "Y limon" looks like the "con". The only real noteworthy text on the back is that "Portion of the proceeds benefit the hispanic scholarship fund". I think it's worth noting that the "front" of the can is actually repeated twice to cover two-thirds of the can , increasing the likelihood of ideal presentation to the consumer.
Active Ingredients :
Molotov Explosive Energy ! Mango Con Topatio 2 (8fl.oz.) servings which each contain mg/% USRDA (whichever is available or both if listed) : Calories 120 , Carbohydrates 30g/10% , Sugar 27g , Riboflavin 1.7mg/100% , Niacin 20mg/100% , Vitamin B6 2mg/100% , Vitamin B12 6mcg/100% , Sodium 190mg/8% , Taurine 1g , Panax Ginseng 200mg. Molotov Explosive Energy ! also contains a 2500mg "proprietary energy blend" which undisclosed amounts of the following : L-Carnitine , Glucose , Caffine , Guarana , Inositol , Glucuronolactone , Maltodextrin.
Can Text :
The Molotov Energy can has a real "Rage Against the Machine" feel to it. I guess Molotov cocktails have a real "Rage Against the Machine" feel to them , and angry hand holding one is front and center on the can. The colors are banded vibrant oranges and reds , what you may expect to see on an ortega or old El Paso product. May be it's the star but the Molotov logo actually has a bit of a communist feel to it. "Molotov Explosive Energy !" is in white , outlined in a bright redish-orange. Underneath the rebelling hand , "Mango" is also in white/redish-orange , "con" is in a cursive font and the "Tapatio Salse Picante" looks just like the Tapatio logo , minus Steve Buscemi. At the very bottom , "Y limon" looks like the "con". The only real noteworthy text on the back is that "Portion of the proceeds benefit the hispanic scholarship fund". I think it's worth noting that the "front" of the can is actually repeated twice to cover two-thirds of the can , increasing the likelihood of ideal presentation to the consumer.
Active Ingredients :
Molotov Explosive Energy ! Mango Con Topatio 2 (8fl.oz.) servings which each contain mg/% USRDA (whichever is available or both if listed) : Calories 120 , Carbohydrates 30g/10% , Sugar 27g , Riboflavin 1.7mg/100% , Niacin 20mg/100% , Vitamin B6 2mg/100% , Vitamin B12 6mcg/100% , Sodium 190mg/8% , Taurine 1g , Panax Ginseng 200mg. Molotov Explosive Energy ! also contains a 2500mg "proprietary energy blend" which undisclosed amounts of the following : L-Carnitine , Glucose , Caffine , Guarana , Inositol , Glucuronolactone , Maltodextrin.
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